Enhanced Multicharacter and Identity system for RedEM:RP Framework
Last updated
Enhanced Multicharacter and Identity system for RedEM:RP Framework
Last updated
This source sends some data from your server to me via webhook. For transparency, these data are as follows.
Version : by qadr_identity
Server hash : Created by qadr_identity
Use 'Config.UsingRespawn' to opt-in or out of using RedEM-RP Respawn
NOTE : You must either install RedEM-RP Respawn OR set this to false, otherwise, after selecting/creating a character, your camera won't move.
Use 'Config.SpawnPoint' if 'Config.UsingRespawn' is set to false to set the location of where players will spawn.
Also, this script has a creating character limitations for each player.
This value is 1 by default and can be a maximum of 4.
You can add this part to your .cfg file.
add_ace group.admin command.updatecharactercount allow
Only admin can use command updatecharactercount steamid count
updatecharactercount steam:11000010fb10534 2
Added permission system for deleting characters.
Permission must be equal redemrp user group
Check your config file qadr_identity.permisson = "superadmin"
If you want to authorize everyone to delete characters. Edit this variable to nil
or delete this variable.
You can change loading background image from html\images\fullBG.png
This resource has one ambient option but you can buy more. Default ambient has a changeable campfire and tent. So, your players can change their own ambient.
Inspired by this script
Orjinal script : redemrp_identity