Fishing Minigame For Redemrp
Last updated
Fishing Minigame For Redemrp
Last updated
Code accessible
Subscription based
Lines (approximately)
For Older Version RedemRP
For Redemrp Reboot 2023
This script uses these data from your server :
Check inventoryitemimg folder for images.
│ config.lua
│ fxmanifest.lua
│ client.lua
│ eventhandler.lua
│ *.png
│ server.lua
escrow_ignore {
Changeable bait UI
Market system for selling fish.
Unlimited addable market
Selling large fish to market without inventory
Looting fish system
Large fish quality system for xp and money
All market has own xp and money multiplier
Custom Fish Desc. or use rdr2 default
Multi-language support
Rotting fish system
if you set true in config.
When the fish begins to rot, the selling price will decrease.
You can set fullrottentime
Check or config.lua
Use metadata
Include item images
Debug mode
If the marker color is blue, the fish are interested in your bait.
Rdr2 fish mini-game system
Changeable difficulty
Bait system for each fish
Low resmon : idle 0.0 active max. 0.8
No c# no JS only lua coded
Your bait item name must be like this. Item names are case-sensitive.
["fish"] = --Do not change item name
label = "Fish", --You can change this one
description = "?????????",
weight = 0.3,
canBeDropped = true,
canBeUsed = false,
requireLvl = 0,
limit = 20,
imgsrc = "items/provision_fish_bluegill.png",
type = "item_standard",
["p_baitBread01x"] =
label = "Bread Bait",
description = "?????????",
weight = 0.01,
canBeDropped = true,
canBeUsed = true,
requireLvl = 0,
limit = 32,
imgsrc = "items/bread_bait.png",
type = "item_standard",
["p_baitCheese01x"] =
label = "Cheese Bait",
description = "?????????",
weight = 0.01,
canBeDropped = true,
canBeUsed = true,
requireLvl = 0,
limit = 48,
imgsrc = "items/cheese_bait.png",
type = "item_standard",
["p_baitCorn01x"] =
label = "Corn Bait",
description = "?????????",
weight = 0.01,
canBeDropped = true,
canBeUsed = true,
requireLvl = 0,
limit = 48,
imgsrc = "items/corn_bait.png",
type = "item_standard",
["p_baitCricket01x"] =
label = "Cricket Bait",
description = "?????????",
weight = 0.01,
canBeDropped = true,
canBeUsed = true,
requireLvl = 0,
limit = 32,
imgsrc = "items/cricket_bait.png",
type = "item_standard",
["p_finisheDragonfly01x"] =
label = "River Bait",
description = "?????????",
weight = 0.05,
canBeDropped = true,
canBeUsed = true,
requireLvl = 0,
limit = 5,
imgsrc = "items/river_bait.png",
type = "item_standard",
["p_finisdFishlure01x"] =
label = "Lake Bait",
description = "?????????",
weight = 0.05,
canBeDropped = true,
canBeUsed = true,
requireLvl = 0,
limit = 5,
imgsrc = "items/lake_bait.png",
type = "item_standard",
["p_finishdCrawd01x"] =
label = "Swamp Bait",
description = "?????????",
weight = 0.05,
canBeDropped = true,
canBeUsed = true,
requireLvl = 0,
limit = 5,
imgsrc = "items/swamp_bait.png",
type = "item_standard",
["Valentine"] = { -- Valentine is the name of the market
coords = vector3(-334.04, 789.53, 115.40), -- Coordinates of the market
marker_draw = true, -- Draw a marker on world
marker_draw_range = 5.9, -- Range of the marker
market_range = 1.2, -- Range of the market for button
markercolor = vector3(0, 255, 0), -- Color of the marker (r,g,b)
markeralpha = 140, -- Transparency of the marker
markerrotaion = true, -- Rotation of the marker (true of false)
market_xp_multiplier = 1.0, -- Market multiplier character experience for selling
market_money_multiplier = 1.0, -- Market multiplier character money for selling
blip = true, -- Draw a blip on map. (true/false) or delete line to disable
blipname = "%s fish market", -- Name of the blip (%s equals the name of the market)
bliptip = "blip_shop_market_stall", -- blip texture more blips =
scale = 0.4, -- Scale of the blip
You can associate the fish food you want with the fish you want. So you can catch that fish with that bait. Check qadr.fishData
array in your config.lua
Check example! If you want add all bait to any fish.
qadr.fishData = {
[GetHashKey("A_C_FISHBLUEGIL_01_MS")] = { -- do not change
location = "River", -- do not change for now not important
fishBait ={
["p_finisheDragonfly01x"] = true, -- you can add more bait here. but you must add min one
["p_baitBread01x"] = true,
["p_baitCheese01x"] = true,
["p_baitCorn01x"] = true,
["p_baitCricket01x"] = true,
["p_finisdFishlure01x"] = true,
["p_finishdCrawd01x"] = true,
min = 0.2, -- minimum weight of fish
max = 0.9, -- maximum weight of fish
type = "smallfish", -- type of fish No need change
addinv = true, -- This fish automatically added to inventory. DO NOT CHANGE!!
name = "PROVISION_FISH_BLUEGILL", -- name of fish DO NOT CHANGE !!
ad = "Bluegill", -- name of fish for inventory meta data you can change
desc = "PROVISION_BLUEGILL_DESC", -- description of fish DO NOT CHANGE !!
customdesc = "Custom Desc", -- custom description of fish. If you don't want to use this, just set nil or delete this line
You can associate the fish food you want with the fish you want. So you can catch that fish with that bait. Check qadr.fishData
array in your config.lua
Check example! If you want add all bait to any fish.
If you want you can use this system. Update these configs in your config.lua
rotten = false, -- Enable rotten system
rottentime = 1, -- starting time for rotten system type : second
-- When will it start to rot after catching the fish?
-- Calculate price and xp for the fish
-- local time = now-catchtime
-- local percentage = (time/*100
-- price = price-((price/100)*percentage)
-- xp = xp-((xp/100)*percentage)
fullrottentime = 30000, -- ending time for rotten system type : second
-- When will it end to rot after catching the fish?
-- Calculate price and xp for the fish
-- price = 0
-- xp = 0
If you want looting fish on ground, set this to true in your config.lua
uselootfish = true
-- If you set to true, idle ms value increase to 0.02
-- But you can collect fish on the ground.
Add this to qadr.language array in your config.lua
tr = {
["openmarket"] = "Marketi Aç",
After that: set language in your config.lua = {
lang = "tr",
TriggerEvent("qadr_fishing:opensellmenu",marketname) --Open market sell menu with name from client
TriggerClientEvent("qadr_fishing:opensellmenu",source, marketname) --Open market sell menu with name from server
--Getting all inventory items from server
AddEventHandler("qadr_fishing:AddFish", function(fishdata)
-- catch fish
AddEventHandler("qadr_fishing:AddFishWhitOutWeight", function(fishdata)
-- loot fish
AddEventHandler("qadr_fishing:SellFish", function(fishdata)
-- sell fish
AddEventHandler("qadr_fishing:RemoveBait", function(itemname)
-- delete bait item from inventory
If you need metadata support for inventory, you can use this pr changes.
For Reboot version check this PR : So, you can see fish images, descriptions, and even their levels in your inventory.
Download script from keymaster
Extrach zip to your resource folder
Read this page for setup
Copy inventory item side and paste/update items from inventory config or check this PR.
Do not change "fish" item name
Copy images from "inventoryitemimg" folder then paste inventory item image side or check this PR
Check config.lua for settings
Add "ensure qadr_fishing" to your server.cfg file after requirements