You can use command or disable or change command name. Check conf.lua
/show stamina
/hide stamina
Default Values
if you want use export function, you need arguments. You can find conf.lua and set defaultvisibility for each icon. Do not change argue names.
You can change default values in config file
arguments = {
["stamina"] = {
defaultvisibilit = false,
index = {0,1}, -- do not change
["deadeye"] = {
defaultvisibilit = false,
index = {2,3}, -- do not change
["healt"] = {
defaultvisibilit = false,
index = {4,5}, -- do not change
["horsehealt"] = {
defaultvisibilit = false,
index = {6,7}, -- do not change
["horsestamina"] = {
defaultvisibilit = false,
index = {8,9}, -- do not change
["horsecourage"] = {
defaultvisibilit = false,
index = {10,11},-- do not change
You can use these commands for showing/hiding icons, check conf.lua
command = {
hidecommandname = "hide",
-- if you want disable command, set this to nil othervise set this to command name
showcommandname = "show",
-- if you want disable command, set this to nil othervise set this to command name