Emote UI / Radial Menu
if you want to handle TAB button for showing up emote UI. You can set useEmoteButton
to true from conf.lua
UI Data
local data = {
menuTitle = "Title",
menuSubTitle = "Subtitle",
menuDescription = "Description",
info_text = "info_text",
emotes = { -- you can set max. 4 emote for one menu. You can create subMenu
["1"] = {
main_dictionary = "multiwheel_emotes", -- texture dictionary
main_image = "emote_action_air_banjo_1", -- texture image
closeAfterClick = true, -- If you want it to close when you click on the emote, set it to "True".
--callback = function(self)
-- print("callback 1")
-- or
subMenu = { -- sub menu data
menuTitle = "Title 2", -- sub menu title
menuSubTitle = "Subtitle 2",
menuDescription = "Description 2",
info_text = "info_text 2",
["1"] = { -- sub menu firt emote
main_dictionary = "hud_toasts",
main_image = "toast_horse_bond",
closeAfterClick = true,
--callback = function(self)
-- print("callback sub 1")
subMenu = { -- sub - sub menu
["1"] = { -- sub - sub first emote
main_dictionary = "hud_toasts",
main_image = "toast_mp_status_change",
closeAfterClick = true,
callback = function(self)
print("callback sub sub 1")
name = "sub 1-1",
iName = "sub 1-2",
iVis = true,
eCount = "sub 1-3",
eCVis = true,
name = "sub 1",
iName = "sub 2",
iVis = true,
eCount = "sub 3",
eCVis = true,
name = "main menu emote 1",
iName = "main menu emote 1 sub title",
iVis = true,
eCount = "main menฤฑ emote 1 desc.",
eCVis = true,
["2"] = {
main_dictionary = "hud_textures",
main_image = "bank_debt",
closeAfterClick = true,
callback = function(self) -- The function that will be activated when the button is clicked.
print("callback 2")
name = "main menu emote 2",
iName = "main menu emote 2 sub title",
iVis = true,
eCount = "main menฤฑ emote 2 desc.",
eCVis = true,
["3"] = {
main_dictionary = "hud_toasts",
main_image = "toast_mp_ability_deadeye",
closeAfterClick = true,
callback = function(self)
print("callback 3")
name = "main menu emote 3",
iName = "main menu emote 3 sub title",
iVis = true,
eCount = "main menฤฑ emote 3 desc.",
eCVis = true,
["4"] = {
main_dictionary = "hud_toasts",
main_image = "toast_mp_ability_recovery",
closeAfterClick = true,
callback = function(self)
print("callback 4")
name = "main menu emote 4",
iName = "main menu emote 4 sub title",
iVis = true,
eCount = "main menฤฑ emote 4 desc.",
eCVis = true,
Usable Functions
local emoteData = exports["qadr_ui"]:createEmoteUI(data)
emoteData.clearCenteralData() -- Delete menuTitle, menuSubTitle, menuDescription
emoteData.showUI() -- Show emote ui
emoteData.returnMainMenu() -- return to previous menu / same back button
emoteData.hideUI() -- hide ui
emoteData.clearUIData() -- clear ui with all data
local emoteUi = exports["qadr_ui"]:getCurrentEmoteUI()
-- this return current emote ui or nil
emoteUi.clearCenteralData() -- Delete menuTitle, menuSubTitle, menuDescription
emoteUi.showUI() -- Show emote ui
emoteUi.returnMainMenu() -- return to previous menu / same back button
emoteUi.hideUI() -- hide ui
emoteUi.clearUIData() -- clear ui with all data
local data = {
menuTitle = "Title",
menuSubTitle = "Subtitle",
menuDescription = "Description",
info_text = "info_text",
emotes = {
["1"] = {
main_dictionary = "multiwheel_emotes",
main_image = "emote_action_air_banjo_1",
closeAfterClick = true,
--callback = function(self)
-- print("callback 1")
-- or
subMenu = {
menuTitle = "Title 2",
menuSubTitle = "Subtitle 2",
menuDescription = "Description 2",
info_text = "info_text 2",
["1"] = {
main_dictionary = "hud_toasts",
main_image = "toast_horse_bond",
closeAfterClick = true,
--callback = function(self)
-- print("callback sub 1")
subMenu = {
["1"] = {
main_dictionary = "hud_toasts",
main_image = "toast_mp_status_change",
closeAfterClick = true,
callback = function(self)
print("callback sub sub 1")
name = "sub 1-1",
iName = "sub 1-2",
iVis = true,
eCount = "sub 1-3",
eCVis = true,
name = "sub 1",
iName = "sub 2",
iVis = true,
eCount = "sub 3",
eCVis = true,
name = "1",
iName = "2",
iVis = true,
eCount = "3",
eCVis = true,
["2"] = {
main_dictionary = "hud_textures",
main_image = "bank_debt",
closeAfterClick = true,
callback = function(self)
print("callback 2")
name = "4",
iName = "5",
iVis = true,
eCount = "6",
eCVis = true,
["3"] = {
main_dictionary = "hud_toasts",
main_image = "toast_mp_ability_deadeye",
closeAfterClick = true,
callback = function(self)
print("callback 3")
name = "7",
iName = "8",
iVis = true,
eCount = "9",
eCVis = true,
["4"] = {
main_dictionary = "hud_toasts",
main_image = "toast_mp_ability_recovery",
closeAfterClick = true,
callback = function(self)
print("callback 4")
name = "10",
iName = "11",
iVis = true,
eCount = "12",
eCVis = true,
local emoteUI = exports["qadr_ui"]:createEmoteUI(data)
Last updated