This script created by Abdulkadir AKTAŞ.
Last updated
This script created by Abdulkadir AKTAŞ.
Last updated
Code accessible
No / This resource has api file. So you can add your changes.
Subscription based
Lines (approximately)
Only RedEM-RP base not Vorp
Low resource consumption
Add unlimited station and mission
All station has their own mission
Unique script no copy-paste :)
Use native UI
Camera transition animation
Mission timer
Rewards Money/Item
You can edit only config.lua file other files encrypted.
Added unlimited time support for mission
Added train delete command
Devmenu is available for creating new routes easily.
Added version checker system and config. Check config.lua
Added RedEM-RP Job support. Check config.lua
Delete train command
You can find more examples of missions from in the folder
You can set train maks speed.
Added animated marker. If you want to use you can set config lua.
You can change notification system. Check conf.lua.
or your frame work.