Reboot 2023

1. Installation

  • Be sure you have RedEM and RedEM:RP Installed if not --> RedEM --> RedEM:RP

  • Run this SQL command on your database

ALTER TABLE `permissions` ADD COLUMN `allowedcharactercount` INT(11) NULL DEFAULT '1';
ALTER TABLE `permissions` ADD COLUMN `ambient` JSON NOT NULL DEFAULT '{"ambiyansyeri":"Default","campfire":1,"tent":1}';

if you get Error Code: 1101. BLOB, TEXT, GEOMETRY or JSON column 'ambient' can't have a default value this error, use this sql command

ALTER TABLE `permissions` ADD COLUMN `ambient` VARCHAR(100) NULL DEFAULT '{"ambiyansyeri":"Default","campfire":1,"tent":1}'

Migration 2.0 to 2.5

You can run this sql command on your db or you can

ALTER TABLE `permissions`
    CHANGE COLUMN `ambient` `ambient` VARCHAR(100) NULL DEFAULT '{"ambiyansyeri":"Default","campfire":1,"tent":1}' COLLATE 'utf8mb4_general_ci' AFTER `allowedcharactercount`;

Last updated